Self Improvement
By admin on November 7, 2020
If only self improvement advice were free and scattered around everywhere, then there will be no problem regarding life, happiness and success. But then again, this is life. And it does not work that way. What would you do if you are trapped in an environment that you do not want to be in? What … Continue Reading
Self Improvement
By admin on October 31, 2020
How many times have you caught yourself saying that there could be no other solution to a problem and that that problem leads to a dead end? How many times have you felt stumped knowing that the problem laying before you is one you cannot solve. No leads. No options. No solutions. Did it feel … Continue Reading
Self Improvement
By admin on October 24, 2020
The human brain is the soul of the human nervous system. It controls involuntary activities such as respiration, digestion, and heartbeat, which are also known as automatic functions of the body. This organ also controls other conscious activities that are considered as higher order activities like reasoning, abstraction, and thought. The human brain is superior … Continue Reading
Self Improvement
By admin on October 17, 2020
Everyone, at some point of his or her life, has dreamed of being somebody special, somebody big. Who hasn’t fantasized about being the one who hits the game-winning homer? Who hasn’t dreamed of being the homecoming queen? And how many times have we dreamed of being rich, or successful, or happy with our relationships? Often, … Continue Reading
Get Rid of Procrastination Now, Self Improvement
By admin on October 7, 2020
• Tags: #getridofprocrastinationnow
Do you want to get rid of procrastination now? Or would you prefer to put it off? (LOL). Do you, in fact put off important tasks for later, only to find your deadlines steadily creeping in? Then you, my friend, are one of the millions of people afflicted by the procrastination virus. Procrastination is one … Continue Reading
How To Determine What You Want In Life, Self Improvement
By admin on September 28, 2020
• Tags: #howtodeterminewhatyouwantinlife
What Do You Really Want in Life? Really, the question is how to determine what you want in life? Many people don’t discover what they want in life until it’s time to die – and that’s a shame. Indeed, many people spend the best years of their lives watching television or doing things they don’t … Continue Reading
get the results you want in your life, Self Improvement
By admin on September 21, 2020
• Tags: #gettheresultsyouwantinyourlife
Want to finally get the results you want in your life? In fact, are you fed up not getting the results in your life? Ones that you secretly know you’re capable of? Do you want to know how to finally get more consistent results in your life? Then read on, as avoiding these three key … Continue Reading
Self Improvement
By admin on September 19, 2020
Many of us unintentionally develop negative behavioural patterns that frustrate our attempts to be more successful in life. We can then become overwhelmed, then this state of mind makes it harder for us to manage our challenges and move forward. Focusing on our strengths and accomplishments, on the other hand, increases happiness and motivation. This, … Continue Reading